- Malcolm Jameson
- George O. Smith
- Charles L. Fontenay
- R. R. Winterbotham
- William Oberfield
- Joe Gibson
- Robert Silverberg
- Tom W. Harris
- Alfred Coppel
- Bolling Branham
- Ralph Sloan
- Alfred Coppel
- James V. McConnell
- George A. Whittington
- Ray Cummings
- Frederik Pohl
- Nelson S. Bond
- Dick Hetschel
Uzay Keşfinin Pratik Değerleri Bilim ve Astronotik Komitesi Raporu, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi, Seksen Altıncı Kongre, İkinci Dönem
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics.United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Astronautics. - Carey Rockwell
- Christopher Evans
- Garrett Putman Serviss