1. Pugilistica: The History of British Boxing, Volume 1 (of 3)
Containing Lives of the Most Celebrated Pugilists; Full Reports of Their Battles from Contemporary Newspapers, With Authentic Portraits, Personal Anecdotes, and Sketches of the Principal Patrons of the Prize Ring, Forming a Complete History of the Ring from Fig and Broughton, 1719-40, to the Last Championship Battle Between King and Heenan, in December 1863
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  2. Knuckles and Gloves
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  3. Admire Edilesi Bashville; Ya da, Sadakat KarşılıksızCashel Byron'ın Mesleği Romanı Üç Perde ve Düz Mısra Sahne Oyununa Çevrildi, Modern Dövüş Sanatı Hakkında Not ile

    Bernard Shaw

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  4. Jim Harrison, boksör

    Arthur Conan Doyle

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    Arthur Conan Doyle
  5. Rodney Stone

    Arthur Conan Doyle

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    Arthur Conan Doyle

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