- Arthur Preston Hankins
- Elizabeth Hughes
- Viscountess Frances Garnet Wolseley
- Helen Mathers
- Madeleine Pelletier
- Katharine Haviland-Taylor
- Consumers League of New York City
- Hubert Bland
- Natalie Sumner Lincoln
- Manuel Pinheiro Chagas
- Jane Addams
- B. M. Croker
- N.Y.). Young Ladies Society First Baptist Church (Rochester
- Emily Davies
- Benito Pérez Galdós
- Francesca Alexander
- Alexander Black
- Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
- Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
- Mark Lee Luther
- Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
- Ellis Ethelmer
- Winifred Holtby
- Hubertine Auclert
- Florence Warden
- Harriet Lewis
- Harriet Lewis