1. Character of Renaissance Architecture
    Ücretsiz Oku %34
    Charles Herbert Moore
  2. Ascanio

    Alexandre Dumas

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    Alexandre Dumas
  3. Mirabilia descripta: The wonders of the East
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    active 1302-1330 Bishop of Columbum Catalani Jordanus
  4. Lucrezia Borgia secondo documenti e carteggi del tempo
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  5. The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494, 3rd Ed.
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  6. Positions
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    Richard Mulcaster
  7. Niccolò Machiavelli e i suoi tempi, vol. II
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  8. Sculpture in Spain
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    Albert Frederick Calvert
  9. The Poetical Works of John Skelton, Volume 2 (of 2)
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  10. The Poetical Works of John Skelton, Volume 1 (of 2)
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  11. The Arts in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance
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  12. A Glance at the Past and Present of the Negro: An Address
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  13. Histoire de la caricature au moyen âge et sous la renaissance
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  14. Hans Holbein
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    Arthur B. Chamberlain
  15. La donna fiorentina del buon tempo antico
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  16. Kral Hazineleri

    John Ruskin

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    John Ruskin
  17. Rönesans Döneminde Edebi Eleştiri Tarihi'nin, modern klasikçiliğin oluşum ve gelişiminde İtalya'nın etkilerine özel bir referansla incelenmesi.

    Joel Elias Spingarn

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  18. Ortaçağ'da Sanat ve Zanaat: Uygulamalı Sanatın Birkaç Alanında Ortaçağ İşçiliğinin Tanımı, Erken Rönesans Döneminde Bazı Özel Ustaların Hikayesi

    Julia de Wolf Gibbs Addison

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  19. Rönesans Dönemi İngiliz Gezginleri

    Clare Howard

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  20. Rönesans Döneminde Retorik ve Şiir: İngiliz Rönesans Edebi Eleştirisinde Retorik Terimlerin İncelenmesi

    Donald Lemen Clark

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  21. Jerome Cardan: Bir Biyografik Çalışma

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  22. Orta Çağ ve Rönesans Döneminde Adetler, Gelenekler ve Giyim

    P. L. Jacob

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  23. Samuel Pepys'in Günlüğü — Cilt 65: Mayıs 1668

    Samuel Pepys

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  24. Sir Launcelot Greaves'in Maceraları

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  25. Şaşkın ya da Zamanlamanın Tersi


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  26. Troilus ve Criseyde

    Geoffrey Chaucer

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  27. Montsoreau Leydisi - Cilt 3

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    Alexandre Dumas
  28. Mermer Orkide; Ya Da, Monte Beni'nin Romantizmi - Cilt 1

    Nathaniel Hawthorne

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  29. Michel de Montaigne Denemeleri — Cilt 10

    Michel de Montaigne

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