1. İngilizce: 'Rev. John Wesley, M.A., Metodistlerin kurucusu yaşamı ve zamanı. Cilt 1 (3 ciltten)'

    L. Tyerman

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  2. Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Vierde deel
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  3. The works of the Reverend George Whitefield, Vol. 1 (of 6)
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  4. The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 05 (of 32)
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  5. Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Derde deel
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  6. The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 04 (of 32)
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  7. Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Tweede deel.
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  8. The Foot-prints of the Creator
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  9. The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection; from a Lawyer's Standpoint
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  10. The Philosophy and Theology of Averroes
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  11. The Everlasting Man
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    G. K. Chesterton
  12. Los Apóstoles
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    Ernest Renan
  13. A Class-Book of New Testament History
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  14. Vida de Jesús
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    Ernest Renan
  15. Le Salut par les Juifs
Édition nouvelle revue et modifiée par l'auteur
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  16. Institutes of the Christian Religion (Vol. 2 of 2)
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  17. İsa'nın Hayatı Kritik Bir Şekilde İncelendi (4. baskı)

    David Friedrich Strauss

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  18. The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 02 (of 32)
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  19. Leaves from St. John Chrysostom
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    Saint John Chrysostom

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