Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Dear boys,
I am dedicating my first little book to you because youhave written and told me so often from the North Sea, from“Somewhere in France,” from Africa, and Mesopotamia that myqueer sketches have brightened for you some dull or gloomy hours.Bless you! for if that is true, why then I feel that even yourfrivolous Eve has done her “bit” in this terrible heartrending struggle.And you will understand, dear boys, that I have—notwithstandingAunt Matilda’s and Uncle Fred’s disapproval—kept gay and frivolousto please you, and not because I didn’t understand and appreciatewhat you were doing for me, and other little Eves, and above allfor our dear old country, which you have saved. Bless you all againand again. That all you wish may come to you as freely and aswelcome as your generous appreciation has come to me is theconstant wish of—
P.S.—Tou-Tou sends a fond lick.
It is not often that an artist evolv