Containing the most accurate Account of the
Neighbouring NATIONS,
Their Manners, Customs, Religion,Superstition, Policy, Riches,Coins, &c.
The whole being a series of remarkableobservations and events, interspers’d withgreat variety of entertaining incidents,never before printed.
Translated from the Original Latin of the Learned
With Memoirs of the Life of the Illustrious Author.
Printed for J. Robinson, at the Golden-Lyon in Ludgate-Street;and W. Payne, opposite Durham Yard in theStrand. M.dcc.xliv.
From M. Bayle.
That he was born in Flanders,educated at Paris, Lorrain, Venice,Bologna, and Padua; madegreat Progress in his Studies,having acquir’d a Knowledge innear Ten different Languages;was sometime in London, with the EmperorFerdinand’s Ambassador; returned to Flanders,and from thence to Vienna, where he was appointedAmbassador to Solyman the Great, andsoon set out for Constantinople; but not findinghim there, was obliged to go to Amasia, &c.[iv]and during his long Stay in that Country,having a strong Propensity to Learning, collectedmany valuable Manuscripts, Coins,&c. Took great Delight in procuring rarePlants, and studying the Nature of Animals;made himself perfect Master of the TurkishState, Policy, &c. That the Account hecomposed of his Journey, is a very goodWork, and deserves the Approbation of allgood Judges; the Learned Sadelerius, in hisEdition of it, Printed at Mons, asserts it deservesa Thousand Impressions. The CelebratedThuanus owns he transcribed manyThings out of it to insert in his History, andlikewise gives a great Character of the Authorand his Work. In short, as we have nogood Account of that Country and People,an English Version, ’tis presum’d, will be agreeableto the Public.
N. B. Those who are inclin’d, may see amuch larger Account of the Author in Bayle’sDictionary, Vol. II.