The studies which follow, the result of fifteen months' observationabroad, deal directly with the workers in all trades open to women,though, from causes explained in the opening chapter, less from the sideof actual figures than the preceding volume, the material for which wasgathered in New York. But as months have gone on, it has become plainthat many minds are also at work, the majority on the statistical sideof the question, and that the ethical one is that which demands no lessattention. Both are essential to understanding and to effort in anypractical direction, and this is recognized more and more asorganization brings together for consultation the women who, having[Pg iv]long felt deeply, are now learning to think and act effectually. Thesepages are for them, and mean simply another side-light on the laborquestion,—the question in which all other modern problems are tangled,and whose solving waits only the larger light whose first gleams arealready plain to see.
Heidelberg, Germany,
October, 1888.