Produced by David Widger
February 1st. Up, and to the office, where I was all the morning doingbusiness, at noon home to dinner, and after dinner down by water, thoughit was a thick misty and rainy day, and walked to Deptford from Redriffe,and there to Bagwell's by appointment, where the 'mulier etoit withinexpecting me venir . . . . By and by 'su marido' come in, and therewithout any notice taken by him we discoursed of our business of gettinghim the new ship building by Mr. Deane, which I shall do for him. Thenceby and by after a little talk I to the yard, and spoke with some of theofficers, but staid but little, and the new clerk of the 'Chequer, Fownes,did walk to Redriffe back with me. I perceive he is a very child, and isled by the nose by Cowly and his kinsman that was his clerk, but I didmake him understand his duty, and put both understanding and spirit intohim, so that I hope he will do well. [Much surprised to hear this day atDeptford that Mrs. Batters is going already to be married to him, that isnow the Captain of her husband's ship. She seemed the most passionatemourner in the world. But I believe it cannot be true.]—(The passagebetween brackets is written in the margin of the MS.)—Thence by water toBillingsgate; thence to the Old Swan, and there took boat, it being nownight, to Westminster Hall, there to the Hall, and find Doll Lane, and'con elle' I went to the Bell Taverne, and 'ibi je' did do what I would'con elle' as well as I could, she 'sedendo sobre' thus far and makingsome little resistance. But all with much content, and 'je tenai' muchpleasure 'cum ista'. There parted, and I by coach home, and to theoffice, where pretty late doing business, and then home, and merry with mywife, and to supper. My brother and I did play with the base, and I uponmy viallin, which I have not seen out of the case now I think these threeyears, or more, having lost the key, and now forced to find an expedientto open it. Then to bed.
2nd. Up, and to the office. This day I hear that Prince Rupert is to betrepanned. God give good issue to it. Sir W. Pen looks upon me, and I onhim, and speak about business together at the table well enough, but nofriendship or intimacy since our late difference about his closet, nor doI desire to have any. At noon dined well, and my brother and I to writeover once more with my own hand my catalogue of books, while he reads tome. After something of that done, and dined, I to the office, where allthe afternoon till night busy. At night, having done all my officematters, I home, and my brother and I to go on with my catalogue, and soto supper. Mrs. Turner come to me this night again to condole hercondition and the ill usage she receives from my Lord Bruncker, which Icould never have expected from him, and shall be a good caution to mewhile I live. She gone, I to supper, and then to read a little, and tobed. This night comes home my new silver snuffe-dis