
Sheared Cream
o’ Wit

A Classified Compilation of the BestWIT and HUMOR

Louisville, Ky.

Copyright 1923


This little anthology is lovinglydedicated to Miss Jennie C. Benedictand Miss Salome E. Kerr, withrespect and admiration.

By the Way

My Dear Mr. Mittler:

The old adage “what is one man’slaughter may be another man’s dirge” is notinapplicable to the selections of wit and humorin your book.

Please let me “dib” this one suggestion,
Gulping rich food brings on indigestion,
Homeopath these rescued treasures,
Little at a time conserves the pleasures.

Good luck to “Sheared Cream o’ Wit”.

Augustus E. Willson



The rare gift of originality is denied most of us,but a measure of compensation rests in the giftof appreciation which has been so freely bestowed,in some degree at least, upon nearly every one ofthe human race. As one who enjoys this blessing,the compiler of this little volume has counted it alabor of love, and hence a delight, to gather togetherduring a period of forty years choice bits of humorand quaint verse, for his own amusement and thedelectation of an inner circle of friends.

The growth of this collection, together with thecare used in selection, seems now to warrant itsstepping into a wider field. The same recognition ofthe finer things of wit and pathos which led to thesegleanings will be met in other hearts and the smileof kindred spirits will broaden as this little bookmakes its new friends. Under the evening lamp, thefamily circle may have many a hearty laugh together;in the office or train, the tired business man may easethe strain of concentration; in the hospitals, wearyconvalescents may cheer the hours of waiting; theafter-dinner speaker may find here some worth-while“I am reminded” stories; far and wide are scatteredthe multitudes of those who will welcome the comingof one whose mission it is to “scatter sunshine” alonglife’s weary way.


The gems contained in these pages have beengathered from the New York Graphic, Texas Siftings,Ram’s Horn, Life, Paris Figaro, Punch, London TitBits, Literary Digest, Ladies Home Journal, FliegendeBlätter, and from daily papers, living and dead.To all of these, due acknowledgment is made andconfidence is expressed that one and all will endorsethe propaganda for the spread of the gospel oflaughter.

All of the foregoing is set down to emphasize thesimple truth that I shall regard my labor as wellrewarded,



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