Author of "A Life of Christ for the Young," "A Life of St. Paul forthe Young," "Great Truths Simply Told," etc., etc.
103-105 South Fifteenth Street
Copyright, 1900
By George W. Jacobs & Co
The recorded incidents of the Life of St. John are few. Almost all thoseof which we certainly know are related in the Gospels, the Acts of theApostles, The Epistles of St. John, and The Revelation. Some of thetraditions concerning him are in such harmony with what we do know thatwe are almost ready to accept them as historic.
The known events though few, are very distinct. They are the beautifulfragments of a great picture. The plan of this volume does not includethose which pertain to him in common with the twelve disciples. Such arecord would practically involve the story of the life of our Lord. Thisis limited to those events in which his name is mentioned, or his personotherwise indicated; to those in which he was a certain or impliedactor; to those in which we may suppose from his character and relationshe had a special interest; to those narratives whose fulness of detailmakes the impression that they are given by an eye-witness; to those inwhich a deeper impression was made on him than on his fellow-disciples,or where he showed a deeper insight than they into the teachings [Pg 2]of theLord, and is a clearer interpreter; to those records which add to, orthrow light upon, those of the other three Evangelists; and especiallyto those things which reveal his peculiar relation to Jesus Christ.
Another limitation of this volume is its adaptation, in language,selection of subjects and general treatment, to young people, for whomit is believed no life of John, at any rate of recent date, has beenprepared. It is designed especially for those between the ages of tenand twenty, though the facts recorded may be of value to all.
The attempt is made to trace the way by which John was led to, and thenby, Christ. We first see him as a boy with Jewish surroundings, taughtto expect the Messiah, then watching for His coming, then rejoicing infinding Him, then faithful and loving in serving Him; becoming the mostloved of His chosen ones. We see the Christ through John's eyes, andlisten to the Great Teacher with his ears. Christ and John are thecentral figures in the scenes here recorded.
The full table of contents suggests the variety and scope of thetopics presented.
In the mind of the writer the interest of many of the scenes describedhas been greatly deepened by memories of the paths in which he hasfollowed in the footsteps of the Master and His disciple.
[Pg 3]The many quotations of words, phrases and texts—which are from theRevised Version—are designed to direct the young to Scripture formswith which they should become familiar; and sometimes to emphasize afact or truth, or to recall a former incident.
Grateful acknowledgme