Preparations for my Fancy Dress Ball—I find that mylodgings are too much after the style of Socrates—Myartist-decorators—The question of the supper—I go forprovisions to la Ferté-Vidame—View of this capital town ofthe Canton, by night, in a snowstorm—My nephew's room—Myfriend Gondon—Roebuck hunting—Return to Paris—I inventa Bank of Exchange before M. Proudhon—The artists atwork—The dead 1
Alfred Johannot 10
Clément Boulanger 18
Grandville 28
Tony Johannot 36
Sequel to the preparations for my ball—Oil anddistemper—Inconveniences of working at night—HowDelacroix did his task—The ball—Serious men—La Fayetteand Beauchene—Variety of costumes—The invalid and theundertaker's man—The last galop—A political play—Amoral play 42
Dix ans de la vie d'une femme 53
Doligny manager of the theatre in Italy—Saint-Germainbitten by the tarantula—How they could have livened upVersailles if Louis-Philippe had wished it—The censorshipof the Grand-Duke of Tuscany—The bindings of printerBatelli—Richard Darlington, Angèle, Antony and La Tourde Nesle performed under the name of Eugène Scribe 83
A few words on La Tour de Nesle and M. FrédérickGaillardet—The Revue des Deux Mondes—M. Buloz—TheJournal des Voyages—My first attempt at Romanhistory—Isabeau de Bavière—A witty man of five foot nineinches <
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