Mr. Galley and Mr. Chater put by ye Smugglers on oneHorse near Rowland Castle.
A. Steele who was Admitted at King’s Evidence. B. LittleHarry. C. Iackson. D. Carter. E. Donner. F.Richards. 1. Mr. Galley. 2. Mr. Chater.
Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex.
Illustrated with Seven Plates, Descriptive of the Barbarous Cruelties.
Trials of John Mills and Henry Sheerman; with an account of thewicked lives of the said Henry Sheerman, Lawrence and ThomasKemp, Robert Fuller and Jockey Brown; and the Trials at largeof Thomas Kingsmill and other Smugglers for Breaking open theCustom-house at Poole; with the Sermon preached in the CathedralChurch of Chichester, at a Special Assize held there, by Bp.Ashburnham; also an Article on “Smuggling in Sussex,” by WilliamDurrant Cooper, Esq., F.S.A. (Reprinted from Vol. X. of the“Sussex Archæological Collections”), and other Papers.
This History was first published in 1749, soon after the execution ofJackson, Carter, and other Smugglers, upon the Broyle, near Chichester.The writer in his Preface, says: “I do assure the Public that I tookdown the facts in writing from the mouths of the witnesses, thatI frequently conversed with the prisoners, both before and aftercondemnation; by which I had an opportunity of procuring those letterswhich are hereinafter inserted, and other intelligence of some secrettransactions among them, which were never communicated to any otherperson.” Its authenticity thus shewn, he further says: “Of all themonstrous wickedness with which the age abounds, nothing, I will bebound to say, can parallel the scenes of villainy that are here laidopen. In all the Histories I have ever read, of all the barbarousstories I have heard related, never did I meet with an instance wherecruelty was carried to such an excess as here. We have an instance oftwo men suffering the most cruel torments that malice itself couldinvent, without any provocation given, and for no other crime but aduty to serve their king and country.”
He also says: “When the facts were proved by undeniable evidencein the face of the Court, what horror and detestation appeared inthe countenance of everyone[4] present! Everyone shuddered when theyheard the aggravating circumstances of the murders related, and howbarbarously the villains handled their two wretch