“Get a canoe, Hilary!” called Cathalina as she dived from the point in hope of catching Isabel in time.
A blue-eyed, sunburned, slight young man leaped from a boat to thefloating dock at Bath, Maine, and reached back for baggage handed him bytwo red-faced boys who were evidently most uncomfortable at being oncemore dressed in the garb of civilization. One of them pulled at hiscollar, and moved his head uneasily, as he balanced on the edge of thelittle launch, and then sprang out with a whoop which was the vent forhis suppressed spirits.
“So long, boys,” said the two, in farewell to two others who remained inthe boat.
“So long.”
“Goodbye, Mr. Stuart.”
“Goodbye, boys.”
The launch chugged away up the river toward Boothbay Camp, and the tallyoung camp councillor, with the two boys and their luggage, as well ashis own, starte