Typographical errors (such as "COMAT" appearing for "COMBAT" in the title) and punctuation inconsistencies have been retained. The goal has been to provide a historically accurate representation of the original 1944 publication.
Paragraph 5.d. of Army Regulation 380-5 relative to the handling of"restricted" printed matter is quoted below.
"d. Dissemination of restricted matter.--The information contained inrestricted documents and the essential characteristics of restrictedmaterial may be given to any person known to be in the service of theUnited States and to persons of undoubted loyalty and discretion who arecooperating in Government work, but will not be communicated to thepublic or to the press except by authorized military public relationsagencies."
These notes were originally intended as a source of general referenceconcerning OXYGEN EQUIPMENT AND ITS USE by members of crews of the B-17and B-24 heavy bomber. With the advent of the B-29 as a combat bomber,the section on THE B-29 AT HIGH ALTITUDE (Page ) was added to supplycertain specialized information concerning this ship. Every B-29 crewmember should be familiar with the INTRODUCTION and the section on THEDEMAND OXYGEN SYSTEM as well as this specialized information. Thesubject matter is presented from a PRACTICAL point of view, based uponactual experiences encountered on altitude missions. Detailedinformation on oxygen equipment may be found in the following TECHNICALORDERS.
03-50-1 | Use of Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment. |
03-50A-5 | Type A-12 Demand Oxygen Regulator (Pioneer). |
03-50A-8 | Type A-12 Demand Oxygen Regulator (Airco). |
03-50B-1 | Type A-10 Revised Oxygen Mask. |
03-50B-6 | Type A-14 Demand Oxygen Mask. |
03-50C-3 | Low Pressure Oxygen Cylinders. |
03-50D-1 | Oxygen Pressure Signal Assembly. |
03-50D-2 | Oxygen Flow Indicator Type A-1. |
03-50D-4 | Oxygen Flow Indicator Type A-3. |
03-50D-5 | Oxygen Pressure Gage Type K-1. |
Auto-Mix | 17 |
Ceiling, effect of oxygen on | 3 |
Dangers with oxygen | 50 |
Demand oxygen system | 7 |
Demand type masks | 8 |
Duration of oxygen supply | |
B-17 | 38 |