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Owen Glynne Jonesi
The rapid exhaustion of the first edition of Mr. Owen GlynneJones’ book on ‘Rock-climbing in the English Lake District,’and further numerous enquiries for copies of this unique andinvaluable work, induced us to make arrangements for thepublication of another issue. A third edition has now becomenecessary.
Since the first edition appeared in 1897, several importantnew climbs have been made, most of which have been writtenabout by the author, and are here found just as they left his pen.Of some of the other climbs nothing had been written, so, inresponse to the request of several climbing friends, two appendices,bringing the book up to date, have been added. The memoir byMr. W. M. Crook, which is accompanied by an excellent portraitof Mr. Jones, will, we are sure, be welcomed by all as a valuableaddition to the work.
We are glad to avail ourselves of this opportunity of acknowledgingthe kindness of several friends for much valuableadvice and assistance given.
I feel I owe a word of apology to the readers of thisbrief and inadequate memoir of a dead friend. Atthe request of Jones’ most intimate friends I havecompiled it in the scanty leisure moments of a fewweeks of a busy life, too few to do justice to mytheme. I wish to return my heartiest thanks tothose of his friends who have so quickly and generouslyaided me with the materials at their disposal,especially to Mr. F. W. Hill, Dr. W. E. Sumpne