This book was first published in 1657. In this etext the character ſ(long-form s) has been replaced by the modern s, and the character vvhas been replaced by w.
Several pages have examples of long division showing some numbers withstrikethrough (Unicode combining Short Stroke Overlay). On this devicethe number 123 for example, with strikethrough, will display as: 1̸2̸3̸
Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have beencorrected after careful comparison with other occurrences withinthe text and consultation of external sources.
Except for those changes in the Note at the end of the book, allmisspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, havebeen retained.
All the changes in the Errata at the back of the book have beenapplied to the etext. Several other occurrences of Gnaver and Milionhave also been changed to Guaver and Milon.
Illustrated with a Mapp of the Island, as
also the Principall Trees and Plants there, set forth
in their due Proportions and Shapes, drawne out by
their severall and respective Scales.
Together with the Ingenio that makes the Sugar, with
the Plots of the severall Houses, Roomes, and other places, that
are used in the whole processe of Sugar-making; viz. the Grinding-
room, the Boyling-room, the Filling-room, the Curing-
house, Still-house, and Furnaces;
All cut in Copper.
By Richard Ligon Gent.
Printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince’s Armes
in St. Paul’s Church-yard: 1657.
To my most Honoured, and highly esteemed Friend,
Honour’d Sir,