E-text prepared by Carl D. DuBois
EVER since the story of my brother's life first appeared (January1889) it has been constantly pressed upon me that a YOUNG FOLKS' EDITIONwould be highly prized. The Autobiography has therefore been re-cast andillustrated, in the hope and prayer that the Lord will use it to inspirethe Boys and Girls of Christendom with a wholehearted enthusiasm for theConversion of the Heathen World to Jesus Christ.
A few fresh incidents have been introduced; the whole contents havebeen rearranged to suit a new class of readers; and the service of agifted Artist has been employed, to make the book every way attractiveto the young. For full details as to the Missionary's work andlife, the COMPLETE EDITION must still of course be referred to.
GLASGOW, Sept, 1892.