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[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of thefile for those who may wish to sample the author's ideas before making anentire meal of them. D.W.]
With a General Introduction to the Series by GASTON BOISSIER, Secretaire
Perpetuel de l'academie Francaise.
The editor-in-chief of the Maison Mazarin—a man of letters who cherishesan enthusiastic yet discriminating love for the literary and artisticglories of France—formed within the last two years the great project ofcollecting and presenting to the vast numbers of intelligent readers ofwhom New World boasts a series of those great and undying romances which,since 1784, have received the crown of merit awarded by the FrenchAcademy—that coveted assurance of immortality in letters and in art.
In the presentation of this serious enterprise for the criticism andofficial sanction of The Academy, 'en seance', was included a requestthat, if possible, the task of writing a preface to the series should beundertaken by me. Official sanction having been bestowed upon the plan,I, as the accredited officer of the French Academy, convey to you itshearty appreciation, endorsement, and sympathy with a project so noblyartistic. It is also my duty, privilege, and pleasure to point out, atthe request of my brethren, the peculiar importance and lasting value ofthis series to all who would know the inner life of a people whosegreatness no turns of fortune have been able to diminish.
In the last hundred years France has experienced the most terriblevicissitudes, but, vanquished or victorious, triumphant or abased, neverhas she lost her peculiar gift of attracting the curiosity of the world.She interests every living being, and even those who do not love herdesire to know her. To this peculiar attraction which radiates from her,artists and men of letters can well bear witness, since it is toliterature and to the arts, before all, that France owes such living andlasting power. In every quarter of the civilized world there aredistinguished writers, painters, and eminent musicians, but in Francethey exist in greater numbers than elsewhere. Moreover, it isuniversally conceded that French writers and artists have this particularand praiseworthy quality: they are most accessible to people of othercountries. Without losing their national characteristics, they possessthe happy gift of universality. To speak of letters alone: the booksthat Frenchmen write are read, translated, dramatized, and imitatedeverywhere; so it is not strange that these books give to foreigners adesire for a nearer and more intimate acquaintance with France.
Men preserve an almost innate habit of resorting to Paris from almostevery quarter of the globe. For many years American visitors have beenmore numerous than others, although the journey from the United States islong and costly. But I am sure that when for the first time they seeParis—its palaces, its churches, its museums—and visit Versailles,Fontainebleau, and Chantilly, they do not regret the travail they haveundergone. Meanwhile, however, I ask myself whether such sightseeing isall that, in coming hither, they wish to accomplish. Intelligenttravellers—and, as a rule, it is the intelligent class that feels theneed of the educative influence of travel—look at our beautifulmonuments, wander through the streets and squares among the crowds thatfill