Copyright 1952—Lever Brothers Company—New York, New York
Now anyone can make pies to perfection with Spry’s ‘Water-Whip’ Method!’
Dear Friend:
Here is my newest Spry cookbook,with 12 recipes for beautiful pies.I’m so glad you sent for it, and Ihope you’ll try every one of them!They’re recipes you can dependon, because they’ve beentested over and over again in theLever Test Kitchens. What’s more, this book is chock-fullof tricks that will make pies the easiest thing you bake!There’s the easy, quick Spry “Water-Whip” method thattakes all the guesswork out of piecrust evenfor beginners. There’s an improved standard pastryrecipe. There are dozens of hints forrolling, decorating—even freezing—pies. Once you’vetried these easy, simple methods, you’ll feel like makingpies and tarts much more often, I know. Andone member of your family is going to be especiallyhappy—nearly every man loves pie!
Then give him pie to his heart’s content! Any oneof these recipes is sure to be pie to his liking—theywere chosen because they’re the pies that surveys,research, letters in my mail show most menlike best. So begin anywhere—run your own popularitycontest—see which pie wins with him!
Sincerely yours,
Aunt Jenny
Makea baked “Water-Whip” PieShell, page 19.
Soften1 teaspoon gelatin in 2 tablespoonscold water.
Melt1 oz. chocolate (cut in pieces)in 1¼ cups milk in top ofdouble boiler; blend withrotary egg beater.
Mix½ cup sugar, 2 tablespoonscornstarch, ¼ teaspoon salt.Add to chocolate mixture andcook until thick and smooth,then cook 15 minutes longer,stirring constantly.
Beat3 egg yolks well. Stir smallamount of chocolate mixtureinto egg yolks, return todouble boiler, and cook a fewminutes longer.
Add1 tablespoon butter or margarine,1 teaspoon vanillaand gelatin mixture; mixwell. Cool.
Fold in3 stiffly beaten egg whites.
Whip½ cup heavy cream and foldinto chocolate mixture.
Pourinto baked pie shell. Chill inrefrigerator several hours, oruntil firm. When ready toserve, whip 1 cup heavycream and spread over filling.
Sprinkle1 cup grated fresh coconut(or shredded moist coconut)over cream and deco