Alexandre Dumas — aet ca. 28.
I become a fully fledged employé—Bad plays—Thibaut—Mystudies with him—Where they have been of use tome—Amaury and the consumptives—My reading—WalterScott—Cooper—Byron—The pleasure of eating sauerkraut atthe Parthenon. 1
Byron's childhood—His grief at being lame—Mary Duff—TheMalvern fortune-teller—How Byron and Robert Peel becameacquainted—Miss Parker—Miss Chaworth—Verses on herportrait—Mrs. Musters—Lady Morgan—English Bards andScotch Reviewers—Byron's letters to his mother—He takeshis seat in the House of Lords. 3
Byron at Lisbon—How he quarrelled with his owncountrymen—His poem Childe Harold—His fits of mad follyand subsequent depression—His marriage—His conjugalsquabbles—He again quits England—His farewell to wifeand child—His life and amours at Venice—He sets out forGreece—His arrival at Missolonghi—His illness and death. 21
Usurped celebrity—M. Lemercier and his works—Racan's whitehare—Le Fiesque by M. Ancelot—The Romantic artists—Scheffer—Delacroix—Sigalon—Schnetz—Coigniet—Boulanger—Géricault—La Méduse in the artist's studio—LordByron's funeral obsequies in England—Sheridan's bodyclaimed for debt. 42
My mother comes to live with me—A Duc de Chartres bornto me—Chateaubriand and M. de Villèle—Epistolarybrevity—Re-establishment of the Censorship—A King ofFrance should never be ill—Bulletins of the health ofLouis XVIII.—His last moments and death—Ode by VictorHugo—M. Torbet and Napoleon's tomb—La Fayette's voyage toAmerica—The ovations showered upon him. 54
Tallancourt and Betz—The café Hollandais—My Quirogacloak—First challenge—A lesson in shooting—The eve ofmy duel—Analysis of my sensations—My opponent failsto keep his appointment—The seconds hunt him out—Theduel—Tallancourt and the mad dog. 65
The Duc d'Orléans is given the title of RoyalHighness...
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