Transcriber's Note:

Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document havebeen preserved. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected.

In many cases, Bancroft uses both "u" and "v" to spell an author's name. Examples include:

  • Villagutierre and Villagvtierre
  • Mondo Nuovo and Mondo Nvovo
  • Villagutierre and Villagvtierre
  • Aluarado and Alvarado
  • Gvat. and Guat.
  • Cogolludo and Cogollvdo
  • Vetancurt and Vetancvrt.

Other archaic letter substitutions include "b" for "v" and "i" for "y" and vice versa. These have been left as printed.

Possible printers errors include:

  • Esquemelin and Exquemelin are both used, possibly for the same person.
  • Castile and Castille are both used, possibly for the same place.
  • Fray Zambano and Zambrano are both used, possibly for the same person.
  • On page 16, Mama Ocollo should possibly be Mama Ocllo or Occlo.
  • On page 237, "In 1519 he ordered the council of the Indies to draw" (date possibly incorrect).
  • On page 424, mines of Chuluteca should possibly be mines of Choluteca.
  • In footnote I-17, "vamrasen en tieren" is a possible printer's error.
  • There is possibly text missing from the quote in footnote I-31.
  • In footnote X-45, Ariat should possibly be Arias.
  • In footnote X-45, Malapalte should possibly be Malaparte.
  • In footnote XI-11, "Ia Gottierez" is a possible printer's error.
  • In footnote XI-11, "ten zy binnen vier dagen" is a possible printer's error.
  • The references in footnote XVII-12 and footnote XVII-20 to Volume ii. of this series should possibly refer to Volume i.
  • In footnote XVII-35, "mirá que todo lo bueno que bacare" is a possible printer's error.
  • The reference to "this volume" in footnote XVIII-31, is ambiguous. A map of Guatemala can be found here.
  • In footnote XXVI-24, "en gaossir" should possibly be "engrossir."
  • In footnote XXVII-6, Casttell should possibly be Castell.
  • In footnote XXVII-15, Governor Mercedo should possibly be Governor Mercado.
  • The sentence "no hicesters enterar la suma que el cinsutacto, y corneríco de Lima so obligoa suplir por imaginaria, á lo epetwo del registro que salió de aquella ciudad" in footnote XXVII-22 was corrected to "no hicesteis enterar la suma que el Consulado, y comercio de Lima se obligoa suplir por ynmaxinaria, a lo efectibo del rexistro que salio de aquella ciudad."
  • In footnote XXXVII-46, Moninbo should possibly be Monimbo (Nicaragua).

Italics in the footnote citations were inconsistently applied by the typesetter.

Accents and other diacritics are inconsistently used.

This volume contains references to the previous six volumes of this work.They can be found at:


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