Vandalism Prohibited—Angry Pilgrims—Approaching Holy Land!—The "ShrillNote of Preparation"—Distress About Dragomans andTransportation—The "Long Route" Adopted—In Syria—Something about Beirout—A ChoiceSpecimen of a Greek "Ferguson"—Outfits—Hideous Horseflesh—Pilgrim"Style"—What of Aladdin's Lamp?
"Jacksonville," in the Mountains of Lebanon—Breakfasting above a GrandPanorama—The Vanished City—The Peculiar Steed, "Jericho"—The PilgrimsProgress—Bible Scenes—Mount Hermon, Joshua's Battle Fields,etc.—The Tomb of Noah—A Most Unfortunate People
Patriarchal Customs—Magnificent Baalbec—Description of theRuins—Scribbling Smiths and Joneses—Pilgrim Fidelity to the Letter of theLaw—The Revered Fountain of Baalam's Ass
Extracts from Note-Book—Mahomet's Paradise and the Bible's—BeautifulDamascus the Oldest City on Earth—Oriental Scenes within the Curious OldCity—Damascus Street Car—The Story of St. Paul—The "Street calledStraight"—Mahomet's Tomb and St. George's—The ChristianMassacre—Mohammedan Dread of Pollution—The House ofNaaman—The Horrors of Leprosy
The Cholera by way of Variety—Hot—Another Outlandish Procession—Penand-Ink Photograph of "Jonesborough," Syria—Tomb of Nimrod, the MightyHunter—The Stateliest Ruin of All—Stepping over the Borders ofHoly