Transcribers' Note
Cover created by Transcriber, usingan illustration from the original book, and placed in the Public Domain.
Greek words are shown inGreek and then in Transcribers' English transliterations that areenclosed in {curly braces}. Also see later note about alchemy symbols.
Comprising a History of the Efforts to AttainSelf-Motive Mechanism with a Classified,ILLUSTRATED Collection and Explanationof the Devices Whereby it Has Been Soughtand Why They Failed, and Comprising Also aRevision and Re-Arrangement of the InformationAfforded by "Search for Self-MotivePower During The 17th, 18th and 19thCenturies," London, 1861, and "A Historyof the Search for Self-Motive Power fromthe 13th to The 19th Century," London,1870, by Henry Dircks, C. E., LL. D., Etc.
Copyright 1916
20th Century Enlightenment Specialty Co.
For Summarized Table of Contents, see page 358 et seq.
...Page | |
Introduction | 3 |
Preface | 7–10 |
Introductory Essay | 11–21 |
Chapter I. | |
Devices by Means of Wheels and Weights | 22–67 |
Chapter II. | |
Devices by Means of Rolling Weights and Inclined Planes | 68–75 |
Chapter III. | |
Hydraulic and Hydro-Mechanical Devices | 76–117 |
Chapter IV. | |
Pneumatic Siphon and Hydro-Pneumatic Devices | 118–162 |
Chapter V. | |
Magnetic Devices | 163–174 |
Chapter VI. | |
Devices Utilizing Capillary Attraction and Physical Affinity | 175–194 |
Chapter VII. |