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The favourable reception which was accorded to the paperentitled "The Spanish Armada in Ulster and Connacht,"which appeared in Vol. I., Part III., April, 1895, of TheUlster Journal of Archæology, and the continued interest inthe subject, which seems rather to increase as the literaturebecomes more extensive, has induced me to re-write thepaper, and add much information I was not possessed ofwhen the first paper was printed. Mr. Crawford's mostvaluable contribution, which forms the second part of thisbook, should at least justify the present publication. ToFrancis Joseph Bigger, M.R.I.A., my best thanks are duefor the use of copious notes and references, which have beenof material assistance.
Ballyshannon, May, 1897.
THE publication of a work entitled"La Armada Invincible"[Madrid, 1885], by CaptainCesareo Fernandez Duro, aSpanish naval officer, has been themeans of bringing to light many freshand interesting particulars relating tothis ill-fated venture; and, though theincidents narrated are, as might beexpected, viewed from the Spanishstandpoint, yet the history is writtenin a spirit of moderation, and givesevidence of great research.
Amongst the valuable documentswhich have been collected and printedby Captain Duro, that having for itstitle "Letter of One who was with theArmada for England, and an Accountof the Expedition," is of most livelyinterest to us, seeing that it presents agraphic picture of the North andNorth-West of Ireland in 1588, drawnby one who