Produced by Al Haines
With Illustrations by
[Transcriber's note: All illustrations were missing from book.]
A blurring rain fell upon Paris that day; a rain so fine and cold thatit penetrated the soles of men's shoes and their hearts alike, adispiriting drizzle through which the pale, acrid smoke of innumerablewood fires faltered upward from the clustering chimney-pots, only to berent into fragments and beaten down upon the glistening tiles of themansard roofs. The wide asphalts reflected the horses and carriagesand trains and pedestrians in forms grotesque, zigzagging, flitting,amusing, like a shadow-play upon a wrinkled, wind-blown curtain. Thesixteenth of June. To Fitzgerald there was something electric in thedate, a tingle of that ecstasy which frequently comes into the blood ofa man to whom the romance of a great battle is more than its history orits effect upon the destinies of human beings. Many years before, thisdate had marked the end to a certain hundred days, the eclipse of a sunmore dazzling than Rome, in the heyday of her august Caesars, had everknown: Waterloo. A little corporal of artillery; from a cocked hat toa crown, from Corsica to St. Helena: Napoleon.
Fitzgerald, as he pressed his way along the Boulevard des Invalides,his umbrella swaying and snapping in the wind much like the sail of aderelict, could see in fancy that celebrated field whereon this eclipsehad been supernally prearranged. He could hear the boom of cannon, thethunder of cavalry, the patter of musketry, now thick, now scattered,and again not unlike the subdued rattle of rain on the bulging silkcareening before him. He held the handle of the umbrella under hisarm, for the wind had a temper mawling and destructive, and veered intothe Place Vauban. Another man, coming with equal haste from theopposite direction, from the entrance of the tomb itself, was also twoparts hidden behind an umbrella. The two came together with a jolt assounding as that of two old crusaders in a friendly joust. Instantlythey retreated, low