May 30, 1889.
Superseding all previous dates.
Prices Include cost of prepaying transportation by mail or express, unless “atstore” is specified. Formerly, prices were at store, always, cost of transportationbeing added. The change is one of convenience rather than of increase or of decrease,but on many books there is a substantial reduction in price.
Stockholders or Bondholders of the Alden Publishing Co. are alloweda reduction from Catalogue prices of the amount indicatedby the figures in parenthesis; for instance: Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, per volume,cloth 60c. (20c.) means 40 cents net to Stockholders. To avoid possible misunderstanding,orders at Stockholders’ prices must invariably be accompanied by remittance,and by Coupon or a Certificate which is supplied to Stockholders for that purpose. Termsfor Stock will be found elsewhere under the head of “Co-operative Publishing;” termsfor Bonds will be seen by copy of the Bond itself elsewhere printed.
John B. Alden, Publisher,
NEW YORK, 393 Pearl Street. P. O. Box 1227.
The Alden Publishing Co. was organized June 1888 with a view, on the part of itspromoters, to consolidating and strengthening various interests which had previously beenallied, but independent, and of introducing to the fullest practicable extent the principle ofco-operation for the benefit of buyers of books. The amount of capital paidup Feb. 4, 1889, was $61,167.00. A dividend of five per cent. was paid Dec. 20,1888. The business is recently growing very rapidly, and the prospects are extremely encouraging.
The Company was incorporated June, 1888; authorized capital $500,000: shares $1.00each. The capital stock of the Company is sold at par for cash, in lots of not less than five shares, andis NOT assessible, and there is absolutely no liability to stockholders whose shares are fully paid for, underany circumstances, other than the liability for salaries of employes, which is common to, we believe, all ofthe States, and is practically no liability, salaries being paid weekly or fortnightly.
All dividends will be paid in cash, but each Stockholder will be allowed theprivilege of taking instead of cash any books sold by the Company to the amount