Star Book No. 71: Doily Bouquet


Doily Bouquet


Printed in USA.
Copyright 1950 American Thread Company


Basic Centers

Grape Doily Page 5
Violet Doily Page 6
Butterfly Doily Page 9
Holly Doily Page 13

Here is the very newest, the very smartest scheme for delightful table settings. Aset of doilies with identical centers in different gay flower borders that will add adecorator’s touch to your luncheon table. We have designed the above four doilieswith just that idea in mind. All four designs fit either of the two basic centers.

TABLE ENSEMBLE SUGGESTIONS: Why not make the other doilies inthis book for a service of eight, all in White and bright flower colors?



With White ch 12, join to form a ring, ch 4, work 3 tr cin ring keeping last loop of each tr c on hook, thread overand work off all loops at one time, * ch 6, 4 d c in ring,keeping last loop of each d c on hook, thread over andwork off all loops at one time (d c cluster st), ch 6, 4 trc in ring, keeping last loop of each tr c on hook, threadover and work off all loops at one time (4 tr c cluster st),repeat from * twice, ch 6, d c cluster st in ring, ch 2, trc in 1st cluster st (this brings thread in position for nextrow).

2nd Row—3 s c over tr c, * ch 7, 3 s c in next loop, repeatfrom * all around ending row with ch 3, d c in tr c.

3rd Row—* Ch 9, s c in next loop, repeat from * allaround.

4th Row—Over next loop work 3 s c, * ch 3, 3 s c, repeatfrom * twice, repeat from beginning all around, join.

5th Row—Ch 5, skip 1 ch 3 loop, 3-3 tr c cluster sts withch 5 between each cluster st in next loop, ch 5, skip 5 s c,s c in space between next 2 s c, repeat from beginning allaround in same manner ending row after last cluster st withd tr c (3 times over needle) in joining.

6th Row—Ch 4, ** tr c in next cluster st, * ch 7, s c innext loop, repeat from * once, ch 7, tr c in next cluster st,repeat from ** 6 times, tr c in next cluster st, * ch 7,s c in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 3, tr c in tr c.

7th Row—Ch 3, s c over tr c, * ch 9, s c, ch 3, s c innext loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 4,tr tr c (4 times over needle) in tr c.

8th and 9th Rows—Ch 3, s c over same loop, * ch 9, s c,ch 3, s c in next large loop, repeat from * all around endingeach row with ch 4, tr tr c in tr tr c.

10th Row—Ch 10, s c in next loop, repeat from beginningall around ending row with sl st in tr tr c.

11th Row—Same as 4th row.

12th Row—Sl st to 1st ch 3, ch 4, 2 tr c cluster st insame space, * ch 10, skip 1 ch 3 loop, 1-3 tr c cluster stin each of the next 2 ch 3 loops with ch 1 between, repeat



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