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For many years, it has been my earnest desire to found a Lectureshipon Christian Sociology, meaning thereby the applicationof Christian principles to the social, industrial, and economicproblems of the time, in my alma mater, the Philadelphia DivinitySchool. My object in founding this Lectureship is to secure thefree, frank, and full consideration of these subjects with specialreference to the Christian aspects of the questions involved, whichhave heretofore, in my opinion, been too much neglected in suchdiscussion. It would seem that the time is now ripe and themoment an auspicious one for the establishment of this Lectureship,at least tentatively.
I therefore make the following offer to continue for at least aperiod of three years, with the hope that these lectures may excitesuch an interest, particularly among the undergraduates of theDivinity School, that I shall be justified, with the approval of theauthorities of the Divinity School, in placing the Lectureship ona more permanent foundation.
I herewith pledge myself to contribute the sum of six hundreddollars annually, for a period of three years, to the payment of alecturer on Christian Sociology, whose duty it shall be to delivera course of not less than four lectures to the students of the DivinitySchool,