No. 230. | Saturday, March 25. 1854. | Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition 5d. |
Notes:— | Page |
Original English Royal Letters to theGrand Masters of Malta, by WilliamWinthrop | 263 |
Fata Morgana, by J. Macray | 267 |
On the Destruction of MonumentalBrasses | 268 |
Original Letter of the Countess ofBlessington to Sir William Drummond | 268 |
MINOR NOTES:—The late Judge Talfourd—Authors'Trustee Society—TheOld Clock at Alderley—TheOlympic Plain, &c.—Electric Telegraph—IrishLaw in the EighteenthCentury—Gravestone Inscriptions | 269 |
Queries:— | |
Minor Queries:—Paintings of OurSaviour—Heraldic—Dedication ofKemerton Church—Consolato delMare—Consonants in Welsh—Atonement—SirStephen Fox—"Accountof an Expedition to the Interior ofNew Holland"—Darwin on Steam—ScottishFemale Dress—"The Innocents,"a Drama—Waugh of Cumberland—Norton—DeLa Fond—"ButtonCap"—Cobb Family—PrinceCharles' Attendants in Spain—Sack | 270 |
Minor Queries with Answers:—RalphAshton the Commander—ChristopherHervie—Dannocks—Brassin All Saints, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—ImperfectBible—The Poemof "Helga"—"Merryweather'sTempest Prognosticator"—EdwardSpencer's Marriage—Yew-tree atCrowhurst | 272 |
Replies:— | |
The Electric Telegraph in 1753 | 274 |
Factitious Pedigrees: Dixon of Beeston,by Lord Monson, E. P. Shirley, &c. | 275 |
Licences to Crenellate, by the Rev. W.Sparrow Simpson, &c. | 276 |
Newspaper Folk Lore, by C. MansfieldIngleby, &c. | 276 |
French Season Rhymes and WeatherRhymes, by Edgar MacCulloch | 277 |
Vault Interments: Burial in an ErectPosture: Interment of the Trogloditæ | 278 |
Do Conjunctions join Propositions only?by H. L. Mansel, &c. | 279 |
Has Execution by Hanging been survived? | 280... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |