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and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team
The endeavour has been made in this volume to bring together theheroic men of different races, periods and types; and in theselection of material the most attractive, intelligent andauthoritative literature has been drawn upon. In cases in which thematerial selected belongs distinctively to the best literature, nochanges have been made, although narratives have been abbreviated;in cases in which the material has a historical rather than adistinctively literary quality, the text has been treated for"substance of doctrine," and omissions have been freely made, andconnecting words, phrases and even sentences have been introduced togive the narrative clear connection and completeness. In thepreparation of the material for the volume the intelligence andskill of Miss Kate Stephens have been so freely used that she isentitled to the fullest recognition as associate editor.
The editor and publishers wish to extend their thanks andacknowledgment to the firms who have kindly permitted the use ofmaterial in this volume:
To The Macmillan Co. for selections from "Heroes of Chivalry and
Romance," "Stories of Charlemagne and the Peers of France," "Old
English History," "The Crusaders," "Father Damien: A Journey from
Cashmere to His Home in Hawaii"; to Thomas Nelson & Son for material
from "Martyrs and Saints of the First Twelve Centuries"; to J. M.
Dent & Co. for selections from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and
The Mabinogion" in the Temple Classics for Young People; to E. P.
Dutton & Co. for material from "Chronicle of the Cid"; to Longmans,
Green & Co. for material from "The Book of Romance"; to John C.
Winston Co. for material from "Stories from History"; to Lothrop,
Lee & Shepard for material from "The True Story of Abraham Lincoln."
I. PERSEUS. Adapted from "The Heroes," by Charles Kingsley
II. HERCULES. By Kate Stephens
III. DANIEL. From Book of Daniel, Chapter vi., Verses 1 to 24
IV. DAVID. From I. Book of Samuel, Chapter xvii
V. ST. GEORGE. Adapted from "Martyrs and Saints of the First
Twelve Centuries," by Mrs. E. Rundle Charles
VI. KING ARTHUR. Adapted from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and
the Mabinogion," by Beatrice Clay
VII. SIR GALAHAD. Adapted from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and
the Mabinogion," by Beatrice Clay; followed by
"Sir Galahad," by Alfred Tennyson
VIII. SIEGFRIED. Adapted from "Heroes of Chivalry and Romance," by
A. J. Church
IX. ROLAND. Adapted from "Stories of Charlemagne and the Peers of
France," by A. J. Church