The Daily Courant.
Wednesday, March 11, 1702.
From the Harlem Courant, Dated March 18. N. S.
Naples, Feb. 22.
On Wednesday last, our New Viceroy,the Duke of Escalona, arriv'd here witha Squadron of the Galleys of Sicily. Hemade his Entrance drest in a French habit;and to give us the greater Hopesof the King's coming hither, went to Lodge in oneof the little Palaces, leaving the Royal One for hisMajesty. The Marquis of Grigni is also arriv'd herewith a Regiment of French.
Rome, Feb. 25. In a Military Congregation of Statethat was held here, it was Resolv'd to draw a Linefrom Ascoli to the Borders of the Ecclesiastical State,thereby to hinder the Incursions of the TransalpineTroops. Orders are sent to Civita Vecchia to fit outthe Galleys, and to strengthen the Garrison of thatPlace. Signior Casali is made Governor of Perugia.The Marquis del Vasto, and the Prince de Casertacontinue still in the Imperial Embassador's Palace;where his Excellency has a Guard of 50 Men everyNight in Arms. The King of Portugal has desir'dthe Arch-Bishoprick of Lisbon, vacant by the Deathof Cardinal Sousa, for the Infante his second Son,who is about 11 Years old.
Vienna, Mar. 4. Orders are sent to the 4 Regimentsof Foot, the 2 of Cuirassiers, and to that of Dragoons,which are broke up from Hungary, and areon their way to Italy, and which consist of about14 or 15000 Men, to hasten their March thither withall Expedition. The 6 new Regiments of Hussarsthat are now raising, are in so great a forwardness,that they will be compleat, and in a Condition tomarch by the middle of May. Prince Lewis ofBaden has written to Court, to excuse himself fromcoming thither, his Presence being so very necessary,and so much desir'd on the Upper-Rhine.
Francfort; Mar. 12. The Marquiss d'Uxelles iscome to Strasburg, and is to draw together a Bodyof some Regiments of Horse and Foot from the Garisonsof Alsace; but will not lessen those of Strasburgand Landau, which are already very weak.On the other hand, the Troops of His Imperial Majesty,and his Allies, are going to form a Body nearGermeshein in the Palatinate, of which Place, as wellas of the Lines at Spires, Prince Lewis of Baden isexpected to take a View, in three or four days.The English and Dutch Ministers, the Count of Frise,and the Baron Vander Meer; and likewise the ImperialEnvoy Count Lowenstein, are gone to Nordlingen,and it is hop'd that in a short time we shallhear from thence of some favourable Resolutions forthe Security of the Empire.
Liege, Mar. 14. The French have taken the Cannonde Longie, who was Secretary to the Dean deMean, out of our Castle, where he has been for sometime a Prisoner, and have deliver'd him to the Provostof Maubeuge, who has carry'd him from hence,but we do not know whither.
Paris, Mar. 13. Our Letter from Italy say, Thatmost of our Reinforcements were Landed there;that the Imperial and Ecclesiastical Troops seem tolive very peaceably with one another in the Countryof Parma, and that the Duke of Vendome, as hewas visiting several Ports, was within 100 Paces offalling into the Hands of the Germans. The Dukeof Chartres, the Prince of Conti, and several otherPrinces of the Blood, are to make the Campaign inFlanders under the Duke of Burgundy; and theDuke of Maine is to Command upon the Rhine.
From the Amsterdam Courant, Dated Mar. 18.
Rome, Feb. 25. We are taking here all possible Precautionsfor the Security of the Ecclesiastical Statein this present Conjuncture, and have desir'd to raise3000 Men in the Cantons of Switzerland. The Popehas appointed the