This volume is one of a series which summarize theprogress made during the period 1958 through 1964in discipline areas covered by the Space Science andApplications Program of the United States. In thisway, the contribution made by the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration is highlighted againstthe background of overall progress in each discipline.Succeeding issues will document the results from lateryears.
The initial issue of this series appears in 10 volumes(NASA Special Publications 91 to 100) which describethe achievements in the following areas: Astronomy,Bioscience, Communications and Navigation, Geodesy,Ionospheres and Radio Physics, Meteorology, Particlesand Fields, Planetary Atmospheres, Planetology, andSolar Physics.
Although we do not here attempt to name those whohave contributed to our program during these first 6years, both in the experimental and theoretical researchand in the analysis, compilation, and reporting ofresults, nevertheless we wish to acknowledge all thecontributions to a very fruitful program in which thiscountry may take justifiable pride.
This summary of certain aspects of the space biology program ofthe National Aeronautics and Space Administration brings togethersome results of NASA research and NASA-sponsored research undergrants and contracts from 1958 through 1964. Closely related researcheven though not sponsored by NASA is also included.
The space biology program has had a late start in comparis