Transcriber's Note:
Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully aspossible. Missing punctuation and spaces have been added, andcapitalization has been fixed. Some other changes have been made.They are listed at the end of the text.
Hyphens have been converted to dashes where appropriate.Underlined text has been converted to italics.
The Friendship Club is an inter-racial women's social club. It wasfounded two years ago in Madison by a group of Negro and white women,who felt that in developing mutual understanding among themselves, theywere thus answering a most grave result of segregation—ignorance.
In the course of its short history, the club has brought together white,Negro, Chinese, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant women; working andprofessional women, students and teachers, mothers and housewives.
In informal gatherings, at our pot-luck suppers, sewing bees, teas andcoffee hours, the women of the Friendship Club have gained insight intoeach others problems and re-affirmed their confidence that if peopleof different races, creeds and national origins would but have theopportunity to know and appreciate each other, it would be a long stepforward towards solving some of the trying problems which face us all.
This little book is a token of our friendship and faith in each otherand in all people.
Madison, Wisconsin
Meats, Entrees, Fish, One-Dish Meals | WHITE |
Hot Vegetables, Salads, Salad Dressings | GOLD |
Cookies, Cakes, Frostings, Desserts | WHITE |
Breads, Hot Breads, Breakfast Specialties | GREEN |
In this little cookbook you will find the favorite recipes of the Clubmembers and many of their friends. They are favorites for one or more ofthree reasons—economy, ease of preparation, or unusual tastiness.
The simplicity of the book is in keeping with the simplicity of ourbelief—our differences are superficial; our likenesses are fundamental.For we are all members of a single race—the human race.
Soak bread in water. Add to meat. Sprinkle dried milk over this. Blendthoroughly. Add rest of ingredients (except fl