Xhanph was the fully accredited ambassador from Gfun,
and Earth's first visitor from outer space.
History and the amenities called for a tremendous
reception. But earth people are funny people....
[Transcriber's Note: This etext was produced from
Worlds of If Science Fiction, October 1954.
Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that
the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
All the way over, all through the loneliness of the long trip, he hadconsoled himself with the thought of the reception he would get. Howthey would crowd around him, how they would gape and cheer! All themost prominent and most important Earthlings would rush to see him,to touch their own appendages to his tentacles, to receive his reportof interplanetary good will. His arrival would certainly be the mostcelebrated occasion in all the history of Earth....
He was coming in for a landing, and it was no time for day-dreaming.He brought the ship down slowly, in the middle of a large square, ascarefully as if he were settling down among his own people. He gavethem a chance to get out from under him before making contact with theground. When the ship finally rested firmly on the strange planet, hegave a sigh of relief, and for a few long seconds sat there motionless.And then he began to move toward the door.
The increased gravity did not affect him as badly as he had thought itwould. For the dense atmosphere, with its high oxygen content, he hadof course been prepared. He injected another dose of respiratory enzymeinto his bloodstream just to make sure, and then swung open the door.The inrush of air caused only a momentary dizziness.
Then he climbed over the side and stared about in surprise.
No one was paying any attention to him.
Their indifference was so enormous that it struck him like a blow.Individuals of both sexes—he could easily distinguish them by thedifference in their clothing—were going about their own business asif he simply were not there. A small animal running about on all fourshad its forepart to the ground. It trotted from one place to another,making a slight noise with an organ that he felt sure was used for theintake of oxygen. When it came to him, it sniffed slightly, withoutany especial interest, and then ran off to more important business. Noother creature paid him even that much attention.
Can it be, he asked himself incredulously, that they don't see me?Perhaps their organs of vision make use of different wave lengths.Perhaps to them I and the ship are not pink and gray respectively, buta perfect black which fails to register. I must speak to them, I mustmake myself known. They may be startled, but I must take the chance.
He rolled over to an individual who towered over him a full spard,and said gravely, "Greetings! I, Xhanph, bring you greetings from theinhabitants of the planet, Gfun. I come with a message of friendship—"
There could be no doubt that the other heard him. And saw him too. Helooked straight at Xhanph, muttered something, probably about a pinkmonster, which Xhanph could guess at but not really interpret, andmoved on impatiently. Xhanph stared after him with an incredulity thatgrew by the moment.
They didn't understand his language, that he realized. But surelythey didn't have to understand in order to be interested. The verysight of his ship, a mere glimpse of him, the first visitor frominterplanetary space, should have been enough to bring them flockinga