Transcribed from the 1820 R. Thomas edition ,
Series of Letters
By Ruhamah.
Printed by R. THOMAS, Red Lion Street,Borough.
Valley of Achor, June1, 1819.
Dear Mr. Hairby,
I have sent you a little more scribble to read, which willamuse you for an hour. Will you be so kind as to send themall to Mrs. Harris? You need notseal them, though I hope the Lord will seal you; but he hasalready, for the spirit in the heart is the king’s seal,saying, This is mine—the Church is a fountainsealed; and every sensible token that you have had, every smileand ray of spiritual joy, every gracious promise applied to theheart, and every time love is sensibly felt, this is the sealingof the Spirit. Christ was sealed by the Father when he waschosen in eternity, he was the Son of God; but perhaps he was notsensibly sealed by the Holy Spirit till his baptism, when,probably, both the Father and the Holy Spirit p. 4spoke, This ismy beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. This ismy beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. So saysSt. Matthew and St. Mark. God has chosen us in Christ, thisis the Father’s sealing; but the Holy Spirit in us, is theSpirit’s seal, and every gracious look, intercourse, andholy frame, is the sealing work. This is not faith, but itis the enjoyment of the object we do believe in. Faith is aradical principle, and always abides in the heart: But after yebelieved ye were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Thissealing is the sensible enjoyment of the promised good. Ibeg dear Mrs. H— to notice this. A little sacredcomfort arising from believing, hoping, and trusting in thefinished work of Christ, is also the sealing work; and, perhaps,in the closing scene of life, when she draws near to death, thiswill be more blessedly enjoyed—For my people shall besatisfied with my goodness saith the Lord.
Valley of Achor,August 10, 1819.
To the Same.
How gracious is the Lord: when I cannot believe, stillhe abideth faithful—Oh! for an heart to love him,and to adore him; but though I have often rebelled, yet, howgracious and faithful he still continues towards me—surelyfaithfulness is the girdle of his reins. This is the girdlefor faith to lay hold of. My faith has only to do with hispromises, the whens