BY REV. E.C. BRIDGMAN,MISSIONARY IN CHINA.Written for the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society,and Revised by the Committee of Publication.
BOSTON:MASSACHUSETTS SABBATH SCHOOL SOCIETY.Depository, No. 13, Cornhill.1838.Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1834,BY CHRISTOPHER C. DEAN,In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts.______
Introduction; Chinese are Idolaters; Confucian, Taon, and BuddhaSects,
Temples, Priest, Priestesses and Idols,
Pagodas, Idol Worship,
Soldiers; Merchants,
Character and Condition of Females,
Marriage Ceremony,
Beggars; Food and Clothing,
Crimes: Lying, Gambling, Quarrelling, Theft, Robbery, andBribery,
Ideas of Death, style of Mourning, Funerals, &c.
Dr. Morrison translates the Bible into the Chinese Language,
Dr. Milne; Missionary Stations,
Leang Afa,
Canton City; Population, &c.
To Parents and Teachers,______
______This little Book contains eighteen Letters, written by Rev. E.C.BRIDGMAN, Missionary in China, addressed to the Children of theSabbath School in Middleton, Mass. and published in the SabbathSchool Treasury and Visitor. Though the letters were addressedto children in a particular Sabbath School, they are none the lessadapted to other children, and they cannot fail to interest anyone, who would see China converted to Christ.______
Canton, (China,) Oct. 17, 1831MY DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS:--The general agent of the MassachusettsSabbath School Union has requested me to write something whichI have "seen, heard, or thought of" for the Treasury. He proposedthat I should write in the form of letters, and address them toyou. This I shall be very happy to do, so far as I have any leisureto write.Some of you, perhaps, will remember what I used to tell you ofthe children, and men, and women, who had no Bi...BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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