College of Physicians and Surgeons (ColumbiaUniversity), New York; Member of County MedicalSociety, and of the American Medical Association
New York
Copyright, 1913, by
W. Grant Hague
Copyright, 1914, by
W. Grant Hague
A word to parents—Interest in sex hygiene—The "SocialEvil"—Ten millions suffering with venereal diseases inthe United States—Immorality not confined to large cities—Venerealdiseases common in country places—What arethe consequences of venereal disease to the boy?—Gonorrhea,or clap—Symptoms of gonorrhea in the male—Complicationsof gonorrhea—Syphilis, or the "pox"—Howsyphilis is acquired—Syphilis attacks every organ inthe body—Not possible to tell when cured—The chancre—Systematic,or constitutional symptoms—Mucouspatches and ulcers—Syphilis of the blood vessels andlymphatic glands—The interior organs—Brain and spinalcord—The nose, eye, ear, throat—Hair and nails—Whatthe boy with venereal disease may cause in others—Theinfected wife—A girl's fate when she marries—Youngwife rendered sterile—Young wife made to miscarry—Isthe husband to blame—Building the man—Age of puberty—"InternalSecretion" Page 139
Abuse of the procreative function—The continent life—Providethe environment necessary to the clean life—Theperiod of procreative power—Self-abuse—Masturbation—Treatmentof masturbation—Night losses or wetdreams—Causes of night emissions—Sexual excesses—Treatmentof sexual excesses—What parents shouldknow about the so-called "social evil" before speakingwith authority to the boy—The need of enlightenment insexual matters—"No one told me, I did not know"—Fakemedical treatment of venereal diseases—Sowing wild oats—Shouldcircumcision be advised Page 153
What a mother should tell her little girl—Where do babiescome from—How baby birds and fish come from eggs—Howother animals have little nests of their own—Theduty of mothers to instruct and direct—What amother should tell her daughter—Every mother should...