[Transcriber Note: This etext was produced from If Worlds of ScienceFiction September 1953. Extensive research did not uncover any evidencethat the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]
M. Stonecypher lifted his reed sun hat with the square brim, and used ared handkerchief to absorb the perspiration streaking his forehead. Hesaid, "The pup'll make a good guard, 'especially for thrill parties."
L. Dan's golden curls flickered in July 1 sunlight. The puppy growledwhen Dan extended a gloved hand. "I don't want a guard," the hobbyistsaid. "I want him for a dogfight."
A startling bellow rattled the windows of the dog house and spilled indeafening waves across the yard. Dan whirled, clutching his staff. Lightglinted on his plastic cuirass and danced on his red nylon tights. Hisflabby face turned white. "What—" he panted.
Stonecypher concealed a smile behind a long corded hand and said, "Justthe bull. Serenades us sometimes."
Dan circled the dog house. Stonecypher followed with a forefingerpressed to thin lips. In the paddock, the bull's head moved up and down.It might or might not have been a nod.
The crest of long red and blue-black hairs on the bull's neck andshoulders created an illusion of purple, but the rest of the animalmatched the black of a duelmaster's tam. Behind large eyes encircled bya white band, his skull bulged in a swelling dome, making the distancebetween his short horns seem much too great.
"He's purple!" Dan gasped. "Why in the Government don't you put him inthe ring?"
Stonecypher gestured toward the choppy surface of Kings Lake, ninehundred feet below. He said, "Coincidence. I make out the ringmaster'sbarge just leavin' Highland Pier."
"You're selling him?"
"Yeah. If they take 'im. I'd like to see 'im in the ring on DependenceDay."
Glancing at the watch embedded in the left pectoral of his half-armor,Dan said, "That would be a show! I'll take the dog and fly. I've a duelin Highland Park at 11:46."
"The pup's not for sale."
"Not for sale!" Dan yelled. "You told—"
"Thought you wanted a guard. I don't sell for dogfights."
A sound like "Goood!" came from the paddocked bull.
Dan opened his mouth wide. Whatever he intended to say died withoutvocalization, for Catriona came driving the mule team up through theapple orchard. The almost identical mules had sorrel noses, gray necks,buckskin flanks, and black and white pinto backs and haunches. "GreatGovernment!" Dan swore. "This place is worse than a museum!"
"Appaloosa mules," Stonecypher said.
Catriona jumped from the seat of the mowing machine. Dan stared.Compared to the standard woman of the Manly Age who, by dieting,posturing, and exercise from childhood, transformed herself into asm