Second Edition
The author, in giving remedial exercises anddiet prescribed to suit the individual need, hasfor ten years realized the necessity of a bookwhich shall give to the homemaker a clear ideaof the uses of foods, that she may be able tocompile her own diets for various blood conditions.Since the blood is made from food elements,its conditions can be largely controlledby a knowledge and regulation of these elements.
Acknowledgment is here made of the valuableassistance of Winfield S. Hall, Ph. D., M. D.,Professor of Physiology of Northwestern MedicalSchool, Lecturer and Author of Nutrition andDietetics; of Alida Frances Pattee, late instructorof Dietetics Bellevue Training School for Nurses,Bellevue Hospital, New York City, author of“Practical Dietetics with reference to Diet inDisease,” and of D. Appleton & Co., for theirkindness in allowing the use of Dr. Hall’s tablesof food values, in the preparation of this book.
The tables of Food Values and the classificationsof foods are kindly furnished by Dr. Halland used by the courtesy of his publishers, whilea few of the receipts are generously furnishedby Miss Pattee.
Recognition is also made of the good workof Miss Helen Hammel, former dietitian inWesley Hospital, Chicago, in the preparation ofsome of the receipts in the Appendix.
Nutrition and Digestion
Susanna Cocroft
Growth in Silence
Self Sufficiency
The Vital Organs
Habits: The Nerves
Poise and Symmetry of Figure
Character as Expressed in the Body
Ideals and Privileges of Woman
Etc., Etc.
Physical Culture Extension Society
First Edition 1906
Second Edition 1912
Published by the
Physical Culture Extension Society
624 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Copyright, 1906-1912
by Susanna Cocroft
[Pg 11]
Nutrition and Digestion
Susanna Cocroft
The problem of proper nutrition for thebody is as vital as any study affecting themorals, health, and consequent power ofa nation, since upon the quality and quantityof food assimilated, depend the sustenance,health, and strength of its citizens.
The study of life is the most vital interestin nature. The human race spendsmore time in providing nourishment forthe body than in any other line