Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Pinski-Massel Press
To Stuart, my first born, whose first heartthrob led me into the joyous complexities ofmotherhood.
Dedicated January, 1911.
The following articles were put into storyform for the mother so as to enable her to makethe truth and facts just as interesting to achild’s imagination as possible.
The idea is that the child be taught the processof reproduction and absorb such knowledgewithout realizing he has received any “sex” instruction.
There is scarcely any subjectwhich is of greater importanceor of greater interest to parentsthan this subject of teachingchildren the truth about lifeand birth.
Every parent knows that at one day theirlittle boy or girl will have matured into the possessorof the powers of procreation, yet they failto teach the child how to care for, or how toregard these powers they possess.
Biologically speaking, these creative powersare the most important functions of the body,but they are the only functions of the humanbody which are utter