Produced by Daniel Fromont.
Susan Warner, 1819-1885 & Anna Warner 1824-1915, The Goldof Chickaree (1876), Putnam's edition 1876
Produced by Daniel FROMONT
The Gold of Chickaree seen by The Atlantic monthly, Volume 39,Issue 233, March 1877, pp. 370-371
"It is said to criticise The Gold of Chickaree, or stories like it,without making use of such violent methods as excite the scorn ofthose who criticise the critics. They say mere denunciation is of noservice and should never be employed; as if there were not toomany books already without truth or beauty, which cry aloud forsome one to point out in print, as every one does in conversation,their utter worthlessness. The Gold of Chickaree is a continuationof Wych Hazel, and the two stories are as much alike as twohalves of a slate pencil. Wych Hazel herself is rich andinsufferably pert; her lover, Rollo, Dane, Duke, or Olaf, as he iscalled indifferently, is rich and in his ways 'masterful.' The earliernovel ends with the engagement of these two, and here isdescribed their sudden marriage, which they forebore announcingeven to their guests at dinner, who were unexpectedly delighted bywitnessing this wedding later in the evening. This is a capitalnotion for entertaining company, and far superior to music,singing, or charades. The other incidents of the novel are of theflimsiest sort; round dancing and the theatre come in for intolerantabuse. All the poor people get Christmas presents, and one son ofBelial, who is anxious to run away with his neighbors wife, isbought off for thirty thousand dollars, a mere bagatelle in thismoral Monte Christo. For the same sum of money it might havebeen possible to close a theatre for a winter or to bribe pennilessyoung men to give up dancing a dozen Germans. Besides theirlavish extravagance, the most noteworthy thing about the people istheir morbid self-consciousness; they are never at their ease; theyare forever trying to impress one another with their own brilliantwit. It is a poor story."
12mo, cloth. Price, $2.00.
"We have not the faintest hesitation in placing this work aboveanything the authors have given us, and, furthermore, in placing itamong the very strongest novels in character development whichhave been written within the past two years. * * * We can promiseevery lover of fine fiction a wholesome feast in the book."Boston Traveller.
"One of the best written and mots entertaining books recently sentout by any of the favorites of the novel reading public." AlbanyJournal.
"The Misses Warner have altogether surpassed themselves in thisstory, and have produced one of the brightest and breeziest tales ofthe season." N.Y. Evening Mail.
Sent, post-paid, upon receipt of price.
_"Of the gold, the silver, and the brass, and the iron, there is nonumber. Arise, therefore, and be doing; and the Lord be wit