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The Net Profits from Sales will be devoted
to Australian Soldiers' Patriotic Fund
London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
The Photographs in this book are reproduced from Australianand British official negatives taken bythe following official photographers—Capt. F. Hurley, Lieut. E. Brooks,Lieut. H. F. Baldwin, andLieut. G. H. Wilkins, A.F.C.
At Christmas, two years ago, as a result of the hard workof its Editors and other members of the A.I.F., wewere presented with an excellent production in the form ofthe "Anzac Book." That was our second Christmas at war.We are now approaching our fourth, and let us hope it maybe the last one during which we shall find ourselves fighting.Our kind friends have again come forward and presented uswith a book, not quite so ambitious as the "Anzac Book" was,but one which we hope will convey to those whom we leftbehind in Australia, and who we know are thinking of us, someidea of our surroundings on the battle fronts of the Australians;and which carries with it our whole-hearted hopes and goodwishes for those at home.
With it, I feel I have the privilege of sending my mostgrateful thanks to all for their past work, and my best ofgood wishes to every member of the A.I.F. for the future.
28th September, 1917.