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Success of the Expedition sent to the Northern Circarsunder Colonel Forde, 1758.—Transactions at Madras.—Siegeof that Place by Lally
Dutch Armament against Bengal, 1759, destroyed by Clive.—Proceedingsin England regarding the Government ofBengal.—Clive's Letter to Pitt.—Clive returns toEngland, 1760
Clive in England.—His private Life and Character
Clive in England.—His Politics.—His Quarrel with Mr.Sulivan.—His Right to the Jaghire disputed.—Partiesat the India House.—Disasters in India.—Clive calledupon to resume the Government of Bengal—Consents—Setsout for India, 1764
State of India during Lord Clive's absence, 1760-5.—Mr.Vansittart's Government.—Deposition of Meer Jaffier.—Elevationof Meer Cossim.—Massacre of Patna.—Restorationof Meer Jaffier.—Disorders in Bengal
Clive assumes the Government of Bengal, 1765.—State ofthe Country and of the various Services.—MilitaryArrangements.—Negotiations with the Nabob of Bengal.—Treatywith the Nabob-Visier.—Settlement with theKing.—The Duannee acquired for the Company.—Discontentsin the Civil Service, and Reforms effected