The Strange
Little Girl
A Story for
Illustrations by N. Roth
The Aryan Theosophical Press
Point Loma, California
Copyright 1911, by Katherine Tingley
The Aryan Theosophical Press
Point Loma, California
upon a time there was abeautiful palace where the king’schildren lived as happily as theyalone can live. They never wantedanything and they never knewthat there could be others who were not ashappy as they. Sometimes, it is true, theywould hear a story which would make themalmost think that perhaps there was a worldbeyond, which they did not know, outsidethe palace of the king and its gardens, butsomething would seem to say that after allit was only a fairy story, and they wouldforget that it meant anything that mightreally be true. nce
[2]One of the little princesses seemed tothink more of these stories of a world beyondthe palace garden than the others, andshe would sometimes find herself gazing atthe sun, and wondering if the great worldlay beyond the purple forests where thegolden-edged clouds shone like dark mountainsin the distance. And the name of thisprincess was Eline.
More and more as she thought of thesethings she felt sure that there must be aworld where things were very differentfrom the happy life in th