Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
(Miss Eleanor Wilson)
Requests for permission to perform or read publiclythis Bird Masque having been receivedfrom a great many quarters, the following informationis here given for those desiring suchpermission:
The Masque is copyrighted in the United Statesand countries of the Copyright Union, and allrights are reserved.
The purpose of the Masque is to be of public use,so that all adequate presentations of it are welcome.To this end the special conditions ofperformance or public reading should in eachcase be communicated direct to the author, incare of the publisher.
No performances may be given without such directcommunication, and permission thus first obtained.
As the publication of this text is designed to servethe definite cause for which it was written, performancesImust be, in some degree at least, forthe benefit of Wild Bird Conservation.
Music for the lyrics “The Hermit Thrush” andthe three songs of Quercus has been composedby Frederick S. Converse, and is published bythe H. W. Gray Company,