PICTURE ON COVER—is part of one of the two remainingfire walls still left standing at the Old Marble MillSite in Marble, Colo. Sheep Mountain can be seen throughthe door way and White House Mountain at right. Jeeptours can be taken to the tops of these peaks for veryextensive sight-seeing trips.—Photo by Will L. Francis
Price $1.25
Come up a mile where the air is pure,
Where the skies are clear and blue;
Come up above the smoke and dust,
Where good health waits for you.
—Author Unknown
Western Slope of the Central COLORADO ROCKIESShowing in Particular the FISHING STREAMS and RECREATIONAL AREAS of Famous GUNNISON COUNTYCompiled by WILL L. FRANCIS
Probably no town in the world has experienced moredramatic changes in a lifetime, than has the quarry townof Marble, Colo. and one of the few living persons whoknows the story of each phase of Marble’s history is TheresaHerman Francis. She and her husband, Bill, nowspend only the summers (winters in Tucson, Ariz.) inthe white and green house in Marble that was her year’round home for 33 years.
One of the town’s active citizens during the 20’s and30’s when the population of Marble numbered in thethousands, Theresa changed her life very little whenMarble became a ghost town in 1945. Although livingalone in town most of the time, she did not become arecluse, but remained the same cheerful, energetic, neighborlyperson she had always been. By hard work andingenious use of materials familiar to her through theyears of teaching arts and crafts in the Marble and otherschools, she established an independent living for herself.By patiently and accurately answering dozens of questionsthousands of times, and by friendly help to all ofthe people who stopped at her roadside stand everysummer, Theresa has made many friends for herself andfor Marble. By her enthusiasm for, and faith in the futureof Marble, she has done more than any other person towardbringing her beloved town back to life.
Half in fun, half in tribute, Loey Rinquist of Aspen,Colo. once began a Christmas card to her, “Dear Mrs.Marble.” It is “Mrs. Marble” herself who has writtenthe story of Marble for you. Her long teaching experience,and her years of answering questions for tourists,have prepared her to answer all of your questions, hereinexactly as they