HEfollowing small Tract will appearcontemptible to those who judgeof the Worth of Books by their Bulk;but the Author believes such as are practis’din Midwifry will acknowledge both theWant and Usefulness of an Essay of thisKind.
The Division of the Chapters, naturallyarising from the various Circumstanceswhich are treated of, will rather assist thanburden the Memory, and admit of a readyRecourse to the short Instructions, in theKnowledge and Practice absolutely necessary,given under each Head.
The Reader will the more readily excuseany Defect in the Stile, when he considersthe Necessity of a strict Expression on theSubject and the Difficulty a Man lies under,who writes not to the learned and experienced,but chiefly for the Sake of Personsignorant in Anatomy and Philosophy,on a Subject which for the most Part excludesInformation by Sight.
On such a Subject it will not be imaginedVanity or Applause can incline a Man to