Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1 Amen Corner, E.C.4
Bath, Melbourne and New York
In treating of carpet manufacture, which involves theemployment of looms and other machinery of a complicatednature, I was confronted with the problem,how far it was necessary or desirable to explain andillustrate mechanical devices. Upon consideration, itseemed advisable, having regard to the scope of thebook, to avoid as far as possible both descriptions anddiagrams of a mechanical nature. A certain standardof mechanical intelligence is assumed in the reader;but this work, like the rest of the series, is intended forthe layman; and it is impossible to describe and explaindetailed mechanical movements except at considerablelength and with the aid of elaborate diagrams. Thosewho wish to study the technique of the subject in detailare referred to Mr. Fred Bradbury’s book, CarpetManufacture (F. King & Sons, Ltd., Halifax, 1904),which, though it has not been brought up to date, isa classic for the trade, as all experts are aware. I amindebted to him for the use of several blocks.
I have also to acknowledge the courtesy of theGresham Publishing Co., Ltd., of Chandos Street,Covent Garden, for permission to use a number ofblocks from their Textile Industries, which containssome admirable chapters on Carpet Manufacture.
My thanks are further due to The Times for permissionto utilise some contributions I made to their “TextileSupplement,” published in 1913; while I have receivedinformation and helpful criticism from Messrs. Woodward,Grosvenor & Co., Ltd., Messrs. T. & A. Naylor,Ltd., The Victoria Carpet Co., not to mention colleaguesand foremen of my own Company, Brintons Limited.
For the historical chapter I am indebted to Mr.A. C. Parry, and for particulars of Carpet TradesUnions to Mr. E. Stradling, Mr. Ellis Crowther, andMr. T. Lindsay.
I am conscious of the possibility of errors and omissions,and I should be grateful for any intimation ofsuch, with the view of making the necessary corrections,if a further edition should be required.