Copyright, 1887,
by J. P. Johnston.
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright, 1900,
by Thompson & Thomas.
After finishing all that I had intended for publication in my bookentitled "The Auctioneer's Guide," I was advised by a few of my mostintimate friends to add a sketch of my own life to illustrate what hadbeen set forth in its pages.
This for the sole purpose of stimulating those who may have been foryears "pulling hard against the stream," unable, perhaps, to ascertainwhere they properly belong, and possibly on the verge of giving up allhope, because of failure, after making repeated honest efforts tosucceed.
The sketch when prepared proved of such magnitude that it was deemedadvisable to make it a separate volume. Hence, the "Twenty Years ofHus'ling."
J. P. Johnston.
Date and place of birth—My Mother's second marriage—A kindstep-father—Raising a flock of sheep from a pet lamb—An establishedreputation—Anxious to speculate—Frequent combats at home—How Iconquered a foe—What a phrenologist said—A reconciliation—Breakingsteers—Mysterious disappearance of a new fence—My confession—My tripto New York—The transformation scene—My return home with my fiddle.
My mother wishes me to learn a trade—My burning desire to be alive-stock dealer—Employed by a deaf drover to do his hearing—How Iamused myself at his expense and misfortune.
Selling and trading off my flock of sheep—Co-partnership formed with aneighbor boy—Our dissolution—My continuance in business—Collapse of achicken deal—Destruction of a wagon load of eggs—Arrested and fined mylast dollar—Arrived home "broke."
Borrowing money from Mr. Keefer—Buying and selling sheep pelts—How Isucceeded—A co-partnership in the restauran
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